Terms Of Service
This page provides the TOS for all Outlaw Development resources! If you can not find anything in here that you were looking for feel free to ask via the Ticket System!
Please Read Carefully. We Have A Extremely Low Tolerance For These.
Unauthorized use or distribution ("leaking") of Outlaw Development Resources, whether they are free of charge or paid scripts, is strictly prohibited. If the leaker is found they will be removed and will no longer get further support or updates.
If you're found leaking or using a leaked version of my scripts in your server the following may occur:
Your account and email address will be banned from Outlaw Development Store
You will be permanently banned from Outlaw Development Discord and reported to multiple leak protection bots and services.
You will receive no refunds for any of the resources that you have bought.
You will get no support or further updates for any of my resources
Anyone associated with you could possibly be banned as well from Outlaw Discord and Store
At the end of the day, leaking is a form of stealing. It allows others to gain access to something they didn't pay for. Instead of leaking or reselling my resources please just tell others to purchase my resources. Dealing with leakers and resellers is very time-consuming which doesn't allow me to make more scripts at a faster pace!
Do Not Engage In Leaking Or Reselling But Rather Report It To Us:
You can always open a ticket in Outlaw Discord to report anyone for leaking or reselling! Please make sure you have proof because without proof we would be going off ("he said, she said") scenario! Thank you for supporting all our efforts to keep the resources paid!
Last updated