This will explain everything that has to do with our fabulous anti-cheat!
Last updated
This will explain everything that has to do with our fabulous anti-cheat!
Last updated
Outlaw Anti-Cheat is a hand crafted anti-cheat that catches almost every modder! It has loads of features and add-ons that set us very far apart from others! Most anti-cheats are copy and pastes of code from others, while ours was made from scratch over 4-5 months. It features all types of servers from RP to RZ!
Discord Bot with all in-game commands and discord plugins
Beautiful Configurations
Discord Logs
Screenshots (if using screenshot basic)
ESX / QBCore Plugins
Other Resource Plugins
Json, Mysql, Oxmysql, Other (Server Event Trigger for if your using your own ban system) Ban Systems
Tons of Detections
In Game Commands
Entity Wipe / Vehicle Wipe
Admin Configurations
Beautiful Ban Messages
Ban, Kick, or chat message reaction to detections
Bans can have different time amounts for ban length